Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dreams, serial killers, childhood nightmares

So I had this dream last night about a serial killer. He is was very rich, lives in on a large estate and lures his victims to him before killing and eating them. It was a very realistic dream. So last night I wake up 3 times from this dream, and each time go right back into it.
I mean, why can't that ever happen with good dreams? Good dreams you can never get back into them, but this dream. This dream was waiting for me each time I closed me eyes. Granted it got less scary each time. Most of it was spent on the estate, running from this guy, trying to keep him from killing me. The second bits got more proactive: finding out ways to get away, working with other people to make escape plans.

Thing is I have an irrational fear of serial killers. Not that it's irrational to fear them, more that it's irrational to imagine them coming after you at night. The first time I ever thought of it was when I was young, 9 or 10. I lived out in the country down a long, winding driveway. I remember one night when the moon was really bright I imagined that a man was slowly making his way down that driveway towards the house. He wasn't a robber, or anything like that. He wasn't anyone we knew, he was just coming to kill us.

I think this fear was based in fact. Not that anyone ever attacked our house or even came down our road, but the news of the time was all about a serial killer in Spokane, WA, which was 3 hours away. I don't remember any details at the time, but you hear things and see things and while I was living there he was never caught. It took them 10 years to finally get him, and he had killed 16 women during that time.

So between this and me having an amazing imagination, I was terrified of serial killers as a child. And apparently still am.

But no more dreams about them. K?


  1. eeek. i feel like that has some serious significant meaning about something random. serial killers. ew.

  2. who made that rule, anyway? that you can't get back to good dreams but always fall back into nightmares? that is a bollocks rule.

  3. I just have to respond to this considering similar things are on my mind. My commenting will be rather random.

    David Lynch in from Spokane, you spent the first part of your life in the area, and Twin Peaks was about a serial rapist/killer/evil entity. & we just went on a trip up there!

    My fear is child abductions. They are actually quite rare, but still horrible.

    AND, now I'm on a John Cusack kick, and wouldn't you know it, he may be portraying Alaska's most notorious serial killer, opposite Nicolas Cage as the Trooper who captures him. Which leads me to another thought.. something you mentioned a while back... we already know there is so much darkness out there, why not focus on portraying someone doing something positive? Unless this story really shows how the serial killer Robert Hansen came to do what he did. Although I thought Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer took care of that.

    Anyway, I'm not sure what the point of my comment was, other than I had to share these Jungian arcs with someone. Lucky you!

    & we will have fun on our camping trip in a couple weeks, won't we? :)

