Friday, January 25, 2013

More Serial Killers? Really?

I've had an odd week, especially the past few days. I'm hoping to blame some of it on planetary influence, although I have no idea if I'll get to. (Mercury retrograde, anyone?)
Anyways. Some of it I can attribute to fighting a cold, which I've been keeping at bay with herbs and homeopathic medicines, but it's present just enough to make me tired and cranky. 
All of this leads to my night last night, which was kind of the culmination of a bad week. I was weirdly emotional and irrationally cranky and generally hating life. I went to bed latish due to numbing my brain with a tv show for a few hours, and right before I fell asleep I had one of those horrible, jolt-awake moments where I remembered that I might have screwed something up at work and it would be really crappy if I had. Anyways. This is how I went to sleep. And had a night-long nightmare about a serial killer. 
It's not new for me to have nightmares about serial killers (I've even posted about it before), but this one seems worse for some reason. I think part of it is that the crappy feeling I've been having all week got entangled in the dream, and now the fear and panic from the dream is entangled in my crappy mood. So now I don't just have a crappy mood to deal with. I have this horrible memory of my dream and it just won't go away. 
In the dream I was caught by him twice. And both times I couldn't get away, and I couldn't scream, and he was toying with me like a cat with a mouse. And I knew that he was going to kill me.
So that's how I started my friday. I guess it can't get any worse, huh? The old, Eat a live toad the first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day, adage. This is what I'm rooting for, anyways.